Here is a comprehensive list of all the social networks,micro/blogging, streaming and video channels I use, for your viewing, listening and reading pleasure:


  • Viddler: This archive is currently being migrated over to dailymotion (this process will take up to a year at 15 uploads per day). Viddler is shutting their old platform down in january. Once shutdown, the archive will be OFFLINE. (Contains EVERY single video I have ever recorded and produced, since 2005 and into the future. This is a major blogging archive in video format, sorted from newest to oldest).

  • Rumble: - Another platform (alt-right) I use which contains recently uploaded videos. There are numerous cross-posting content creators on here from youtube and related platforms, including batshit conspiracy garbage from the delusional/lunatic fringe which should be avoided at all times.

    YouTube: - (subject to change without notice people not respecting my right to freedom of expression – Contains ALL of the latest videos I have uploaded since the channel was created.

Streaming Video

Social Networks and Microblogging

  • Facebook: – The facebook page I run, which if you have a facebook account, should hit that “like” button. I update it occasionally. This is a great way to keep in touch and stay up to date.

  • X (formally twitter): - I had to make a new account due to it being taken down over a drunken futbol reference that some religious nutcase found incredibly offensive, and got their followers to all report my account for "inciting violence".


  • Wordpress: - My wordpress. Now, here is where things get very long and lengthly. I usually write up when I don't feel like video blogging, or when I have a bad cold. The odd audio blog gets embedded or linked here, including any long rants and write-ups that aren't enough for video. I write everything from my blackberry, long or short, it doesn't matter. If you would like to subscribe via RSS or to follow it, go right ahead. :)